Hydraulic valves

Hydraulic valves

From these modest beginnings in the area of piston cooling we have developed a wide selection of valves for other applications such as steering, engine, and transmission.

Hydraulic valves in fuel systems

Our valves are also used for fuel systems and in the filter module.

Our check valve serves as a quick-release coupler to fill the fuel filter module, so that the engine is provided fuel immediately following the replacement of a filter. The challenge is to release a high flow of fuel as quickly as possible upon opening the valve. An especially critical requirement is to prevent the loss of fuel which makes the tightness of the valve seal an extremely important feature.

Our pressure release valve serves to reduce pressure peaks in the filter module which can result from a clogged filter or low temperatures and can potentially lead to a burst filter housing. The challenge is to release a high flow as quickly as possible upon opening the valve.

Hydrauliv valve

Fields of application










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