Not just colleagues - we are proud of the fact that our employees think of us as a family company. Many of them have been with us for generations and have encouraged their partners, siblings, sons and daughters to join us.
Qualified and motivated employees are the foundation of our success. We therefore attach a great deal of importance to the training of our people, both during apprenticeship and afterwards. Events such as our annual Christmas party, our Summer party, Oktoberfest, and regional events such as the Rhön Supercup, Fuldaer Challenge Run and the Soapbox Derby serve to strengthen us as a team.
And that team spirit pays for itself in loyalty. Many of our leading employees began their careers with an apprenticeship here. Both of our plant managers did their apprenticeships here, as did the director of our development department and the director or our Purchasing and Quality Control Department. Even the two leaders of our apprenticeship program can share their own experiences as apprentices at Wagner with the next generation.